
28 June 2011

“Beast” Day 2 – West Point

It was another day of in-processing. We met up at the Chaplain's Office, met some of the staff and other chaplains, and had a long meeting as to what our roles will look like here at West Point. We will finalize all details tomorrow.

In the evening, CH (COL) Durham (our USMA Chaplain) gave a religious accommodation briefing to the NCs in Robinson Auditorium. We passed out religious preference cards, in order to better facilitate the needs of our 1,200 NCs. The NCs were able to see the CCs there (us), so this was our first real interaction with them. I can't wait to be formally introduced to my company.
I'm really enjoying my time here, though I do miss my family. All of the Chaplain Candidates here are married, and all but one of us have kids as well, so it's great that we can all relate to each other when it comes to family life.

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