
10 August 2009

Blessings Upon Blessings

God has continued to shower us with more blessings today! Is there no end to His abundant goodness, care, and love?

We spent a majority of our day talking, planning, and trying to figure out how routines will go and how things will work around the house. Actually...that sounds like we did something with structure! We REALLY mainly laid around and talked about things we could do around the city for fun! We found out that several parks play free movies almost nightly throughout the month of August! We planned a couple date nights for a couple movies we wanted to see, Lauren went to the library again to use the free wi-fi, and I worked on more Army stuff. Sounds like things are moving forward still with the Army! A little slower that I would like, but everything is in God's hands and He alone will direct that route!
Lauren wanted to make cheesecake tonight, and I needed to buy some cards, so we walked to CVS to buy a gram cracker pie crust. Then we walked over to Hallmark to get a couple cards (we wish Ariel was working at this one...) then came back home - only to find out that the cheesecake box CAME with gram cracker crumbly things! haha! Oh well!

MORE GOOD NEWS - MICAH HAS AN INTERVIEW NEXT MONDAY AT 2PM at MOODY! He applied for the "document control clerk" part-time position, and has his first interview next week! We know there is more than one person being interviewed, since he emailed for the first interview slot and they said it was already full! So please keep him in your constant prayers, that the Lord will bless him with this job (and if not, then another one soon)! Lauren is still looking around, but has applied to several places around town (including a full-time position at Moody as a "liaison"). If Lauren is blessed with a full-time job at Moody, that would also mean that Micah's tuition would be HALF-OFF! So - LOTS of things to be in prayer for!
Thank you so much for lifting these things up in prayer! We really appreciate it!

Well - that's about it for today! Thank you for all of the wonderful emails, comments, prayers, encouragement, and care packages coming our way! We are SO very blessed to have you as friends and family.

With all of our love, through our God who is so good to us,
Micah and Lauren

(Lauren reading the Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien, and our cat Penny resting...after a much rested day!)

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